More on Facebook

I understand a bit better now why Facebook is creepy. It isn’t its origins – as ugly as they are – it’s the unnecessary collection of so much information in one place. And in so narrow a framework.

Probably 50 years ago, programming started exploring object oriented code. In a nutshell, object-oriented programming includes data structures with methods that manipulate those data structures. Its essence is a structure including a framework for data, plus methods for manipulating data in that framework. Both the data and and the methods can be modified by the coder.

Let’s create an object-oriented Web framework. Let’s let ourselves be represented by Avatars containing both data frameworks and methods for manipulating that data.

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All we need is the framework and the host.

Let’s orchestrate the demise of Facebook. Facebook is centralization gone wild. There are better ways to go wild.

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One Response to More on Facebook

  1. I had heard Obama quote something similar when talking about the differences in opinion between he and former-primary-competitor, now running mate, Joe Biden. He said that he wanted to surround himself with people other than yes-men, so he could hear and debate thoughts different from his own.

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